Department for Child Protection

CALLIE was approached by the Department for Child Protection (DCP) to assist with the development and execution of external communications for a new soon-to-be implemented act. CALLIE developed a communications strategy focussed on delivering clear and informative communications that simplified the new laws for select audiences, while ensuring that the focus and outcomes remained on the safety and care of children and young people.

Our team created a suite of resources that spoke to external audience groups and were based around our proposed tagline, Child Protection and You, including the creation of a dedicated portal designed to provide stakeholder groups with access to tailored information and resources. The Child Protection and You resources helped the department deliver information about the changes resulting from the new act in a way that was engaging, easy to understand and helped to alleviate concerns stakeholders may have had regarding the application of the new law.


  • Developed series of booklets featuring content tailored specifically for families, carers, foster parents, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and children.
  • Stakeholder mapping, perception audit, communications strategy and key messaging according to audience.
  • Language, brand voice guidelines, asset development, communications timeline, content development and the delivery of an easy to navigate online portal.
Government, Health

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